"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Another slow day. Woke up very late, around 9:45. Bluh. Mom told me to clean/wash the bathroom sink -- odd and irritating. I guess I'm not a fan of commands. So I washed the bathroom sink and wiped the counter. Skipped breakfast. Around 11 or so I got ready to get some ingredients for pasta puttanesca and grabbed my package (returning the 28mm), and my brother came along, asking for Wingstop again (no), and we went. I got my groceries, he got some popcorn, then we headed off to the post office. They were closed. Embarrassing but what do you expect from a federal service? Swung by R&B Tea since my brother wanted a drink and then we headed home. Unpacked and got to work on the pasta puttanesca. I had actually forgot the know-how of the recipe and couldn't remember how much dry pasta to use, so I just winged it. Olives were a little mushy under the knife but that could be because the knife was a bit dull. Chopped a teaspoon of capers, diced half an onion, crushed four cloves of garlic. Got the oil nice and hot and in went the onions and garlic, stir stir stir! Don't let the garlic burn. Immediately spelled nice but I was a bit disappointed knowing this aroma wouldn't much be in the pasta. In went the anchovies -- didn't chop them, hoped they'd just melt down, and they did, albeit a little longer than I thought -- and the capers and olives for a bit, still stirring, and then a can of diced tomato. Sauced the pasta, let it sit as I had to go wash the pots in the sink. Irritated again. Finally got around to eating the pasta. It was alright but I added too much pasta so the flavor was a little light. Made some coffee after that, 15.5g/250ml and some extra bypass water, two filters. Actually seemed to drain a bit faster this time but that could just be the beans this time. Coffee tasted alright. Worked a little bit on my history essay outline but not much because of a killer headache that was rounding right up from 3 to 6. Tried taking a break at 5:15 but it didn't let up until later. Dinner at 7:15 or so. Uncle made some sour spiced soup with salmon heads. It was alright. As I ate I watched a Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 404 challenge video, published late last year. (B1.7.3 has been on a resurgence since 2020 or so.) Absolutely endearing. The rest of the night was skimming Twitter and Tumblr and a few Openbound pesterlogs.

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