"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Had a turkey lettuce cream cheese sandwich for breakfast. Continued to shoot some test shots on my Canon RP and FD 28mm but I noticed Fv consistently overexposed the shots (M, Av, and I think even Tv was fine). Odd behavior in that mode it seemed, but the image quality on the lens was really quite good still. Got a call from the dentistry location in Mountain View, turns out the entire Operation uninsured will come out to $2000. Yikes. Mom and dad suggested I texted Dr. Kuy, my dad's cousin, for general guidance. Had some coffee and tea around 1, fussed over wording, sent the text. (Accidentally missed his call at 7:30, later. Sorry Dr. Kuy.) Possibly drank too much genmaicha since I started feeling a little queasy near the end. Chowed down a few pieces of ginger candy which helped a bit. Revised the rest of my history work and finished around 2:45. The feeling of peace was a little short-lived as I was up and about to check the kitchen for snacks but I had felt like I had really conquered it at last. Spanish at 4 to 6, alright but I made quite a few embarrassing errors. Need to study more for Spanish as I'm getting into newer and newer content. Both challenging and exciting. Dinner -- a bit of pork and a soy sauced egg and some crab, but I really didn't eat much crab. Had an orange for dessert, set up a couple local large language models, and read a bit of The Autobiography of Red (don't remember where I first heard of it ... possibly just researching Geryon).

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