"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Got up early enough but my brother was in the bathroom a bit so I finished getting ready around 9:40. Chatted with my mom a bit about how people my age were moving back in with their parents to save on costs. Off to Main Street Bagel in San Jose with dad and younger brother. Dad talked about grandma overseas on her vacation and how she was hard at work trying to prepare fish and cane sugar, ostensibly for us, but actually for her to sell to her friends. But she overexerted herself twice and my mom got really disappointed in the entire shebang. When we arrived my dad stayed in the car, me and my brother headed out. I got a ham egg and cheese on an everything bagel. My brother got a nova lox on plain. I paid and we swung by the nearby Starbucks since he wanted a drink. He got a pistachio latte I think. We headed back to the car and went home. Arrived home. I made a bit more coffee today, 21g/350ml, but ran out of brew water part way so a bit of my brew was immersion as I reboiled. My bagel was a bit dry since there wasn't any cream cheese (and it had cooled down as I made coffee) but the bagel itself and the egg were very good. The came out a touch more bitter than I'd liked so I added a bit of milk. I don't remember the last time I put milk in my coffee. Which itself is odd since I used to do it a lot last year as I worked through one or two odd bags. The rest of the day after that was getting really frustrated with history homework and Spanish homework, but eventually just toughing it out until I felt less vengeful. I did half of my Discussion #5 and completed all of my Spanish MyLab work. I suspect I'll have to frame my history class as yet another information problem like I did to my shoddy excuse for a cognitive psychology course last quarter. Around 1/3rd of the way into a history reading I took a break for half an hour or so, looked up some Soviet M39 rangefinder lenses -- they seem like they can fit on my mirrorless. Didn't get a chance to use my camera much (other than a couple pics) and I definitely didn't add to my slipbox. Amix texted me about cogsci readings and I replied with some suggestions though I personally have been reading publications and articles than longerform books. Remnants of a digital attention span I suppose which again is odd to say since I'm still using digital now, as two core components for the slipbox, and for this, and many other things. Family closed up shop early around 5 since business was so slow on account of the Super Bowl (49ers lost). Around 6:50 I had dinner which was really leftovers as my mom was exhausted from cooking the other two days for Lunar New Year. Wrapped up homework after, and read a bit more on those Soviet lenses. About to head off soon.

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