"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Home. Couple of leftover slices of pizza for breakfast. Coffee, 18g and 300ml, glass mug, coffee looked quite nice in the light. Spanish at 4, to 6. Indirect object pronouns. Checked my laptop to make sure it was charged, migrated some webpages and readings from it to my iMac. Valor from 7:05 to 8:35 or so, until dinner. Dinner -- veggie soup, some fried egg and fish egg and a bit of meat, plenty of veggies. Had another slice but that was it I promise. Didn't get to my slipbox though I did check and comment on Judah's white paper about Blogdown. Still trying to keep the Canon RP out of mind (it's arriving approx. a week from today).

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