"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Got up a bit early but was slow from the sleepiness. Finished around 9:50 and we (dad, brother, and I) were off to Noah's Bagels in/nearby San Jose. I ordered a farmhouse sandwich on an onion bagel, my brother got a Nova Lox, my dad got a blueberry bagel with cream cheese. On the way back my dad kept talking about politics and when we got home he pivoted into Asian geopolitics from the 70s to the 90s. I couldn't find a way out of the conversation so I settled for eating my bagel -- turned out they put it on a cheese bagel, but it was still delicious -- and making a cup of coffee and a couple mugs of genmaicha, the coffee on my Hario Switch, the tea in my AeroPress (inverted), and remembering that he was indeed a history teacher for some time in the early 2000s. The genmaicha particularly was very smooth, possibly because I brewed for 3:30 minutes on the dot (didn't extract too much). Really delicious. As I ate and sipped I searched relevant terms on my phone and the iPad, trying to better ground his talk in the appropriate history. Finally he ended off mentioning the collectivist culture of Vietnamese people, which my mom caught, and relayed an anecdote about a friend she was no longer in contact with after said friend tried to get her to hook up with the welfare state. I wrapped everything up and at the computer was greeted to my own billowing thoughts and tabs and indecision on this potential camera purchase, rehashing the same webpages to try and memorize the things I had missed, but there wasn't any. Really the only thing left to do now was decide whether I wanted it or not (and the Canon RP, as I am finding, is part of that not). Around 2 I headed to work and had a rough time around 3 after I misheard four orders in the span of 25 minutes. Absolutely maddening but my dad waved it off (thanks dad). Work was not really cold but it was a bit quiet on account of the 49ers game. Headed home at 7:08, sped down the street home, I don't know why I speed now. I don't know what happened. I will get myself back under control. Throughout the day I had this phrase/item in my mind: Page of Catatonia. It's actually a Spell item from the game Valor, and something about the flavor text was unsettling to creep me out intermittently throughout the day. Really quite odd. When I got home mom had made a bright sirloin steak salad with thyme and fresh string beans, and some diakon tofu chicken soup with a secret ingredient (starts with an M, ends with i, it's a bottle sauce, you can figure it out; I just want to be coy). Later than night I crunched 20 or so Spanish assignments on MyLab (not pleasant, but better than nothing), fattened up my tabs about the Sony A7ii again, and now I am off to sleep very soon. I want to clean up my OneTab as I have broken 20,000 tabs maybe 5 or 6 days ago, but I think I'll pounce on this tiredness and do it tomorrow. Incidentally I do need to visit Best Buy to get a hands-on on said Sony camera, but also the Canon RP. No IBIS and 2 stops less dynamic range, but superior autofocus and EF lens compatibility; and still a mirrorless, so I can adapt vintage lenses as needed. It's interesting how my camera requirements have changed these past months. Could be growing confidence with the technical aspects, though I imagine that's too soon to say.

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