"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Brisk day today. Didn't really sleep well last night, felt like my sleep was very shallow. Woke up somewhat early to prepare for my wisdom teeth consultation, left at 9:40, had the terrible realization I had to fight through peak traffic on 237 West. And there was a fuck ton of traffic. By the time I arrived I was 40 minutes late -- I had spent an hour on the road! On the bright side it did make me feel less stressed about missing my exit from 237 up to a different freeway because 237 just ends at Mountain View. And the streets are very cozy there! Wisdom teeth consultation went by quickly, had an X-ray and some background information on the procedure, and then I set the operation for April 1st when I would be on break. I asked if it would affect TMJ (not really) or if I needed to get my erupted top right tooth out (yes, it's non-functional). Wrapped things up and swung by campus to try and crash my Python course but I arrived just a few minutes late enough it would be conspicuous if I headed in. Spent an hour at the library instead reading Pieces of Light and checking eBay for wooden index card boxes (don't laugh), and then had a burger and some fries and a coffee there. Read a couple essays from Cevolini's Forgetting Machines, the sun came out bright, felt a bit better even with the uneasy sleep last night. Drove home, unwound. Not much work on the slipbox. Finished annotating the Pale Fire inner poem and Kinbote's introduction and I'll read the Commentary tomorrow, or try to analyze more of the inner poem like the diction or detail. Shade lends to natural imagery quite well. Dropped off my cousin, headed back home. Spanish from 4 to 6. Continued to unwind, but still didn't work on my slipbox. Around 7:50 or so I had some udon noodles with the chicken soup my mom's been simmering for 4 and a half hours(!) and it was very delicious and very cozy. After dinner I crammed U.S. History homework and finished around 11:20. I've still got it! But frankly I could do a lot better if I had the whole week to spare. So I will try my hardest to reset my academic workflow by the end of the week. If I'm lucky I might even put some of that history into my slipbox by the end of the quarter :-)

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