"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

On the computer again, and have been for the last five messages. It's been a long day today — I think I can cheat a little. January 11th 2023. I woke up on time but was still so tired I fell back asleep until 9:45, and even then the lethargy didn't slip off until 10:02 when I had had enough of my tiredness to swing myself out of bed and get ready. I made some coffee at 10:20, AeroPress, 18g and 315g water, packed up and headed to campus. Bright day, light on the hills and the street and the sidewalk and the everything. The one day I don't bring my Tele 6 film camera the lighting is crisp for the inscribing. Traffic, on the way, tepid and up and down, but I made it. Parking was marginally easier. Headed off to Python class, arrived and entered at 11:25. Covering integers, floats, input and output, strings, basic string operations. A couple of in-class examples. Felt checked out just 20 minutes into class; probably should have drank my coffee then. Headed down the ATC -- this Python course is, ironically, in the exact same classroom as my last quarter -- and to lunch, got some spaghetti and tomato meat sauce, headed out and began at the first episode of Season 8/11 of Futurama. And the second one. Midway into the second one this man in his mid-30s or late-30s bugged me about voting even though I very much had my headphones on. That left a bad taste in my mouth, which was not really a bad taste at all, because I was still eating my pasta, and instead of telling him off I settled for a glare as he walked off, down the stairs. Drove home, traffic was not fun, passed a few cars on merges, constantly accelerated and couldn't find a nice speed to coast by on the freeway on account of the traffic. Arrived home, felt beat, and couldn't concentrate the rest of the day. I couldn't even look at my Canvas pages for more than a minute, much less my personal cognitive science research. Settled for a couple more episodes of Futurama, more than necessary checking of the Rabbit server, and losing my mind on my Stream. That last part is a bit inaccurate. This isn't really a matter of mind.

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