"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

January 9th 2024. Slippery day today. Woke up at 8:55 but lamped in bed until 9:20. Finished around 10:10. Skipped breakfast, made coffee, drove to campus at 10:55. Had some traffic on the way there. Campus was super busy with tons of cars and people. Arrived a couple minutes late to 11:30 Python course but attendance was midway in the class so I was fine. Syllabus, class intro, overview of Python, strings. Packed up and headed to lunch, had a burger and some fries over a couple episodes of Futurama. The second was about Bender's ass. The first one I unfortunately forgot. The coffee I made tasted somewhat chemical-like so I suspect the extra notch of fineness on the grind setting was a little too much. I brewed full immersion, 300ml. I'll return it to 5.1 tomorrow. Got a little rainy around the start of lunch, and when I was walking back to the parking lot, it was VERY cold. Drove home and didn't really touch my homework all day, just read about Luhmann and his social systems theory. Attended Spanish 2 class around 4pm to 6:15. Surprise: There's another person that shares my name in the course. I imagine that's going to be confusing all quarter. Icebreakers and boy was I intimidated by this constantly Spanish speaking groupmate. I could barely understand a quarter of what she was saying. I don't remember these skill differences being so dramatic in Spanish 1 except for a couple obviously fluent Spanish speakers. Mom and grandma made some green fish sauce/stew all day and some rice noodles which I had for dinner. Nom banh chok -- just searched up the correct spelling. Continued to read up about basic functional differentiation and communication in Luhmann's theory. To me he doesn't seem super radical, just very descriptive and stoic (stoic with modesty, equanimity, irony/lightness), but I suppose for his time -- the late 20th century -- he was quite the anti-humanist. Which is a fascinating perspective since cognitive science intersects with the very very humanist field of anthropology.

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