"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

The ride back home was much much easier and seemed quite quicker also, probably because it was on a slight downhill. I rode down Temple and Park Victoria, then hung left down Jacklin home. (The Nanny -- "hang a right at hell"!!! Had that little quote stuck in my head. No the ride home was not hell nor is my home a hell.) (These precise addresses may be a bit TMI.) Less than a minute after I "oy"ed and sighed my way into the door my brother was badgering me to bike to the nearby tea place. After figuring out it was actually nearby about 5 minutes away and not nearby Marina Grocery. I got a lemon jasmine tea with agar boba and nearly fell off my bike riding home after slipping into a crack in the pavement but I stopped and straightened my bike out. We arrived home, I chucked my tea in the freezer, and I made some iced coffee. Coffee had some nice bold flavor which I tempered with a bit of milk but the ice seemed to have soaked up some flavors from the freezer and imparted a very frozen taste to the coffee, almost chemical-like. I also had half of the leftover burrito bowl rice and chicken in the fridge and a couple of leftover shrimp chive dumplings in the plastic box from earlier today. I didn't finish the coffee and 3/5ths of it is still on my desk. I also made a bit more than I needed; 350ml coffee total. (You can work out the coffee grams, I'm sure.) Checked out the rest of the day except about 4:35 when I dropped off my brother at work and then came back home. Drive back was nothing special though I did note I had a heavier foot on the gas pedal, possibly on account of biking earlier today. Worked on more of post-Ladon-and-Orange chapters of PRISM with code-davinci-002, specifically the chapter when Ladon is in a coma and is dreaming up alternate scenes/scenarios of him and Orange on the island. Binged a few episodes of Futurama, Season 7 definitely doesn't feel as high-quality as the other seasons. Had dinner at 7:55 or 8:05, some shrimp green bean stirfry but no shrimp so just savory green beans, and then some chicken and preserved lemon soup, and a rotisserie chicken drumstick. My oldest uncle had went to Costco earlier today and picked up a couple of their really delicious rotisserie chicken, though I will note the seasonings of the rotisserie chicken didn't quite gel with the preserved lemon flavor. Or maybe the preserved lemon was just a little old and potent. Whatever the case was I did prefer the chicken drumstick and the still(!) crunchy green beans. Continued watching Futurama after dinner. Checked Twitter intermittently throughout the day, noticed how easy it was to fall into the mindset of last year using this application and then rambled to myself about communication and friendship going into this year. And just getting annoyed with the general attitude of my social media feed which is really saying something since I don't even follow 200 people yet. In any case I set a deadline for mid-March and let my unconscious stew on this problem while I continued to skim and read through the internet and wrap up my work on PRISM.

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