"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Logged into RotMG for the daily quest calendar, logged out, browsed a couple pages of House of Leaves but my heart wasn't into it (yet). Played RotMG properly before my younger brother called me to pick him up from work. Drove off, then came back, then made coffee. Hario Switch, full immersion, 15g + 260ml (added slightly extra water). Coffee first, then the water, let it steep for 2 minutes. Stir at beginning of steep, and then stir at end of steep, then take 30 seconds to let it settle. The drawdown was faster than I thought, taking about a minute and a second on double filters on setting 4 (turns out I was on 4.1 yesterday to begin with, not 5.1). The resulting brew was very clear, no visible oil on top, and tasted much lighter than yesterday. Brightness had fully pushed to the middle of the brew but very very little bitterness. Reminded me a bit of Alan Adler's original AeroPress recipe but a bit more flavorful. Coffee bed was slightly concave, and (looked) bigger than I thought. Maybe more water retention? Had the coffee over a couple squares of chocolate from yesterday, a couple mints, a couple episodes of Futurama. Played more RotMG, this time maxing dexterity on my Paladin character. Had some dinner later -- shrimp daikon soup. Lots of shrimp this week! But good. Rest of the night was reading Johnny's section of House of Leaves and taking other notes as needed. Johnny is one horny mofo. But he's also sweet and brilliant and trying his damn hardest with the psychosis. I used to dislike his interjections when I first read the book and I still don't always get into the groove of his sections but I understand him better now.

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