"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

December 17th 2023. Woke up decently early but my brother headed into the bathroom first so I had to wait a bit. Didn't go out for breakfast this morning so I settled for a turkey avocado lettuce sandwich instead. Everything gets gooey fast after that. I definitely binged a couple Futurama movies, and definitely had 2 of the wax Babybel cheeses, and definitely had some cellophane instant noodles with a bit of cilantro for late lunch. For dinner, some more cellophane noodles but this one with some lemon, basil, and pork sausage, and some tomato chicken feet soup that my oldest uncle made. But I can't hold onto the specifics. I know it was quiet at work/the family business on account of the heavy overcast and rainy day today. More Twitter than needed. Almost forgot -- when I made coffee today, I brewed extra. 24g + 400ml, single filter, five pours, stirred at the beginning and end, the drawdown seemed much faster. Maybe 5 seconds or so shy of a full immersion brew. Swirling seems to embed more fines in the filter. Skin above my ring finger knuckle has been a little tender the past couple days, seems my joints are stabilizing.

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