"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Tried to wake up early since I thought we were going out for breakfast, not really any plans, just got ready and had a turkey and cream cheese sandwich. Spent most of the day working on my final PSYC 3 assignment which is like 3 writing assignments stuck together. Just awful but I'm glad I didn't try to cram this on Monday. Lots of referencing, lots of AI help, but I got the draft down and the rest of it will be editing. What a marathon these last couple of days. Had coffee around 1, 1zpresso and the Switch, was really worried about the drawdown (took well over a minute), thought the filter made a perfect seal, and when it all drained out the coffee bed looked like sludge. The coffee itself was nicely extracted, however, good brightness and a touch of roasty bitterness, nothing excessive or tannic. Continued to work on PSYC 3 assignment, lots of breaks (Futurama episodes, Twitter, coffee videos). Thumb and pinky joint seem to be doing better. Very cold all day. Second oldest uncle asked me about his MacBook Pro M3 shipment, turns out it was supposed to have arrived nine days ago and shipped to our doorstep but somehow it's been hanging around Fremont. Boy, that made me mad. $2500 of his hard earned money and UPS doesn't even have the decency to try and reship it back? The address was written fine. Our city name is right there. So he's planning to contact Best Buy tomorrow or later this week. Had dinner at 7:10pm, we made some lemon chicken soup. Good good flavor, flecks of golden rendered fat at the surface like little jewels. For some reason this stupid comment I read online a couple years back that said chicken doesn't have flavor keeps popping up occasionally but every time I have chicken I can taste that characteristic delicate poultry undertone. Need to roast a whole chicken myself one day! Got tired at 8:30pm but didn't graze on a nap, tried to unwind at my desk.

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