Ruminations on excerpts of research papers, blogs and books

Alternatives To Religious doctrine: why to live

  • Homo Mathematicus. Going personal with this one, but it could truly be the "language of the gods" or the code that underlies mother nature. From higher dimensional spaces that we reside in, to quantum consciousness explaining our deepest mysteries, we revel in the idea of formalism and creative thinking. The glory of studying math being only bestowed upon the chosen few, we must spend a lifetime trying to find the answers to the mystery of the universe.

  • Homo Economicus. The economic rational mind, always logical, always critical. Here we discuss the impact of marxism, socialism and Capitalism. The becoming of a society, the formation of culture. Thinkers and rationalists of this genre have put forth theories that continue to influence the thinking of large fraction of our populace. From financial institutions to the wealth of nations, this doctrine is as fascinating as it is vast.

  • Homo Philosophicus. From the western influence to the eastern, this doctrine spans thousands of years and is the mother of all disciplines. A form of thinking itself, nihilism, absurdism, modernism and post modernism are a few areas were countless intellectuals have tried to find answers to the question that is the Human. Modernism and Post-modern would try to amalgamate with modern epistemology to make behavioural models, while other forms reject everything. This doctrine is a rabbit hole of paradoxes and logic, history and well ... philosophy.

  1. Is God is a mathematician

  2. Economics Library

  3. PostModernism/Rationality

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