Ruminations on excerpts of research papers, blogs and books

High(er) Dimensions

Dimensionality is an important concept in essentially every STEM field, and much more. The concept of dimensions and what they are, where they are useful and ultimately what they represent was multi-faceted and thus I was intrigued enough to write a note/essay or this particular topic.

What are dimensions? In a word: features. A dimension is just a feature or an attribute of another object, be it an inanimate object or a living organism. The dimensions we are most familiar with are the three dimensions of space: length, breadth and height. But wait....aren't there more ? Fourth could be time, and as far as theoretical physicists are concerned, there are a lot more. How can scientists even claim that there are more dimensions when it's impossible for us to even imagine a fourth one ? It's hidden in representations.

We represent our reality through numbers. They are a crude, but sometimes fairly accurate representations of our reality. Equations that scientists have created in a closed laboratory or a classroom have come to predict the movement of stars and other celestial bodies, so yeah, we trust our numbers to model the universe around us. Knowing this, we represent our dimension with a list of numbers, say [1, 2]. But we have three dimensions, so we put three numbers: [1, 2, 3]. These three numbers are fairly good representations of space in various mathematical equations. That is, a certain feature of space is being represented by a vector.

But what's stopping us from putting in more numbers in our vector like so : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... ] ? An obvious answer would be reality itself. There's no point, no physical counterpart to a vector of more than 3 numbers in it (just like the word unicorn has no physical representation in our real world). This was true, until during the pursuit of solving various equations, physicists were forced to expand the dimensions in order to solve (or formulate) the equations. Our theories forced us to go beyond our own senses and come up with more and more "dimensions" or features that represent space itself. (Whether it is true or not is out of my ability to grasp)

The language that we speak was modelled to a great extent my large language models (LLMs) in recent times. Their response not only makes syntactic sense, but also semantic. This worked because we were able to model our language, using a crude approximation, or in other words: vectors. Each word has N dimensions, or in other words, N features which give the LLMs power to use the word in different construction settings, or in more human words: they understand what the word means!

Understanding being analogous to "being able to see multiple attributes of an object" was something I had never thought before. It's only when our mental models construct multi-dimensional vectors of certain concepts or words do we truly understand the said concept or word.

Finding analogies between mathematical concepts and real life is fun and in a way enlightening. Modelling our reality with such approximations means whenever we are right, we are gifted with the greatest reward: understanding ourselves.

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