Welcome to my stream. hope u don't drown.

Incredibly awful poem I wrote some time ago:

Right now, as I sit here, as a 24 year old jobless guy with no obligations and too much time to ponder,
I open up my browser, opening one tab after another,
each one overwhelming me more than other,
by showing me how much there is to know, how much there is to wonder.

I think I can get by all my life just going down the rabbit holes,
one thing my dumb mind is good for, is that it has so many things which it yet doesn’t know or even thought of.
The works and essays of greatest programmers and thinkers of my generations are right at my fingertips, AI revolution is on the rise, and I can’t help but think I am going to have a wonderful time.

Will I ever create anything of value, will I ever make my parents proud ?
Will I ever walk with my head held high in a prestigious crowd?
Actually no one cares, that’s too narcissistic me,
But one thing I realize is I just need a job to pay the bills, and to have a modicum of self-respect
and then I should be left alone to frolick around on the web and let it be.

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