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A piece of code to calculate 2^3 + 3^4:


console.log(2**3 + 3**4)

Fucking Assembly:

.section .data
.section .text
.globl _start
# this function computer 2^3 + 3^4. We'll calculate power using a function 
# which takes the two numbers as parameters.

#pushl $3

#the line below automatically pushes the address of the next instruction to the top of stack.

#at the end of function call we need to deallocate memory taken for these two parameters
pushl $2
pushl $3
call power

addl $8, %esp
pushl %eax

pushl $3
pushl $4

call power 
addl $8, %esp

popl %ebx

addl %eax, %ebx

movl $1, %eax
int $0x80

.type power, @function
#we need to save the current base pointer value at the top of stack
pushl %ebp
#Now, we can safely save the address of top of stack in the ebp. can't rely #on esp since it may change during execution
movl %esp,%ebp

movl 12 (%ebp), %ebx #this is currently 2
movl 8 (%ebp), %ecx #this is currently 3

subl $4, %esp #make space for local variable
movl %ebx, -4 (%ebp)

cmpl $1, %ecx #if power is 1 we store our answer in after %ebp
je loop_exit

cmpl $1, %ebx #if exponent is 1 answer is 1 
je loop_exit

movl -4 (%ebp), %eax
imull %ebx, %eax
movl %eax, -4 (%ebp)

decl %ecx
jmp start_loop

#move the top of stack to base pointer to get rid of local variables
movl -4 (%ebp), %eax
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp #load to old valueof ebp into base pointer, also stack pointer points at return address now
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