Welcome to my stream. hope u don't drown.

Ok I might go insane if I don't write down all the things I'm doing right now because I am looking for jobs simulatenously, and it's getting a bit much atm. Also back to full health, now I need to keep doing the bit.

I am currently:

  • going through C programming by k&r
  • going through pftgu (need to pick it back up cause it's been a while since I have read it)
  • going through deep-js book (this is pretty fun because I'm using my app to study and my morale is boosted everytime I run code, also longest I've used my app without cursing it and opening vs-code to debug or improve something on it before continuing on with my note-taking)
  • going through intro to microeconomics.

What I hope to do:

  • get started with build your own react, next, rsc project.
  • see some beautiful things again to bring back that creative state of mind

Recently, I wrote and designed the resume of a friend, and got complement for it's clean and readable design. I've seen a glimmer of immense satisfaction that judah probably gets from designing someone's personal website. I need to design things again. But I think going designing state of mind will come only when I get a job, because posing like steve jobs requires you to be in an non-anxious state.

This drop is all over the place lmao.

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