Yash's Sky

jack of all trades and master of one too;

true win is when you do things with few mindset shifts that other's can't

to my future self: expand your horizons, nothing can restrict you from doing good things just learn and thrive!

the problem is not the population but our inability to serve the population at current rate

seems like India is ready for small club/communities, would be a great thing to witness

the haters, the doubters are all drinking champagne in the top deck of the titanic and we are the fckin iceberg!


nothing just want to capture the heart beats while fixing patch in earring :)

feels like hell when our actions are wrongly interpreted by someone else:

some mfs are just weird, whole energy in bringing others down rather than working on their own shit 🤷‍♂

code may die this decade but engineering will live on forever!

when you stop doing the things for some reason and just do them, dots starts getting connected!

for some people, life is to enjoy life and for some it is to know what is life ;)

maybe we are just the AI robots trained on huge quality dataset by some supreme power??

if you are enjoying with some great quality experiences then you will have some bad experiences too but anyway it will always be net positive!

prompt: small poor kid in bare land with some camps and having less light around walking forward by balancing plate of food in hand with bare feet. Only his back is visible in the picture. he is happy!

in yesterday's every second, i realised how good life I am living and I should be grateful for that :)

idk why but whenever I don't do anything, I go into darkness!

knowledge is the way to wisdom and wisdom is the way to great human being :)

prepare urself for the odds and u will enjoy the evens, coz u never know if odds are ur evens

If you know how to fake urself, it's ur win win! coz no one values real u!

why, but I am in the loop that in the month of 30 days, 10 days are super worst, 10 days are super good and 10 days are just days.... how to break that?

give ur 101% and shift ur focus from results to the process!

-Avoid multitasking because it isn't more productive but counter-productive;

-Recognize and get rid of FOMO;

-Give your brain the time to rest of constantly receiving information that it needs;

-Confront boredom for it is when ideas happen;

-Learn to be with your own self


currently doing friction lecture, and it is so cool to solve q by urself :)